Baked Potato Wedges

I love potatoes, its a must have at all times in my kitchen. Its a standby side ingrediant or as a  main of the boys favorite potato pie. I even enjoy plain boiled potatoes.  Any way I make these yummy wedges often and they are quite easy to make, not to mention delicious, as an accompaniment with burgers or fried chicken or fish  or as a snack.

Recipe : Baked Potato Wedges

 For about 3 large potatoes ( don't buy the white-skinned ones for this)
olive oil
salt ( pinch or two)
paprika or chilli powder, about 1/2 tsp

Peel and cut the potatoes into wedges, to do this, halve it length-wise, and hold your knife at an angle towards the center ( with the potato lying on the cut side) you can cut about 5 wedges from each half.

Place in water for 10 minutes before giving a wash and draining the water off. Now place the potatoes in a pan filled with water with a pinch of salt.  Bring to a boil and cook 8-10 minutes ( I do mean to check the time) , you are not going to cook all the way through half cook the potatoes, so time from the beginning of cooking.

Drain the potatoes, place on a clean kitchen cloth and pat dry.  Place in a bowl add about a 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, paprika or chili powder, salt and toss well so it coats the potatoes well.

Now preheat the oven to about gas mark 5( my oven is not behaving so you need a nice moderately hot oven)  arrange potatoes in a large baking tray, they should be able to fit in a single layer. To make cleaning easier use a non stick tray or line the tray with aluminium foil.

Pop in the oven, after about 20-30 minutes, give the tray a shake, and carefully turn the potatoes to the other side. If they are not done they will stick so pop back into the oven instead of wrestling with it with a spatula, once one side is cooked and golden it will come off easily.

 If you try to force it off then you will end up breaking it up leaving the lovely golden side stuck to the tray. So be patient. Once both sides are done, remove, and serve.


  1. Looks perfect! My first batch did stick, so will follow ur tips next time I make them...

  2. They look perfectly crisp and delicious.

  3. Roasted potato wedges are a favorite at my house. You are right they make a great side dish and my family loves them.


  4. Hi Nammi,

    Homemade potato wedges are so much better than the commercial made ones. No preservative and 100% natural!!!


  5. Baked potato wedges are one of my favorites! These look delicious Nammi! :)

  6. Ohhhh my all time favorite.....


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