Egg and Marmite Sandwiches

I know this is a simple recipe, perhaps even a bit weird for some. Marmite is a big favourite at my house, my son had marmite on toasted bread cut into sticks as one of his first finger foods. This week have been busy packing and piling things up cos we are heading home.
Yup, I am heading home, back to Maldives. Going miss to this sleepy little state of Malaysia, which had been our home for the past 5 years.  It is nice and quiet, with no fussy people or busybodies who want to tell you what to do or nose around. The people here are friendly and generous. It's where my firstborn had all his first things, and my second was born, so for me, I am pretty nostalgic, you know seeing places where he took his walks,  learnt to walk, and run, first school, first place he went out to eat. I better stop before I get too emotional and get back to the topic

My fridge is almost empty and after Saturday I won't even have one. So am in a rush to finish using up everything. Since I had eggs to finish, I made myself an egg and marmite sandwich for breakfast. 

Recipe: Marmite and Egg Sandwich

Sandwich bread  or any of your favourite type of bread
Hard-boiled eggs, but into thick slices
1/4 small onion, or shallot or the white part of spring onion, finely chopped (optional)
1 green chilli ( optional), thinly sliced
butter/margarine or a vegetable spread

1. Spread butter or vegetable generously, and spread a thin layer of marmite on one slice of bread

2. In a small bowl, mix onion and chilli if using and sprinkle this evenly over the marmite spread slice of bread.

3. Arrange the egg slices on top, add a sprinkle of pepper, if you like, on top. Top with the remaining slice of bread and ENJOY!!
