Snake fruit

I am having writer's block I think. Or maybe it's called cooking block or something because whatever recipe I tried to make turns out rather disastrous. Since I have neglected the blog for a few days, mainly because I couldn't make anything worth reporting :P. So Have decided to show you a rather unusual but quite interesting fruit. It is known as the snake fruit, or salak in Malaysia. I think the name is due to its snake-like skin.

I have seen two types of these, a dark brown variety, which is plump and full and a lighter brown variety, which is more elongated. I have tasted the plumper one, and it got slightly sweet with a bit of a sour taste to it do you call it a tangy taste. It wasn't until recently I found out that when buying you have to choose the bigger fuller ones which makes it easier to peel to expose a sweeter white flesh, which are usually 3 segments with a big seed inside.

I eat it as it is and it is quite addictive to me but after eating a couple of them you get a dry taste in the mouth. They also have a very prickly skin, the ones I buy are fresh at the farmer's markets here so they sometimes sell with the spiney thorns so best to rub a rough clean towel to remove it. Unfortunately couldn't find much information about it, maybe this might help here.


  1. I have never seen this fruits ever, very interesting fruit..

  2. yummy fruit,never had this before...

  3. I don't think I had these fruit before...the name fits perfectly.

  4. So interesting. I've never ever seen this fruit. The sweet and sour description sounds delicious though!

  5. Never heard abt this one, but seems good..

  6. oh wow cool fruit wish we could get it here maybe I will see if I can find in india when I go, love ya your a good Mum and give your lil guy loads of great food


  7. oh yum! anytime you want to send some over... please feel free!! ;)

  8. These fruits are only be found in the forest. I've seen them many times but never tried them before. How silly! I think I should give it a try next time. haha.... Have a great day!
    Cheers, Kristy

  9. Never seen of snake fruit, never heard of it either! Looks interesting!

  10. Oh! I never seen this fruit...although do not like snake, this fruit looks interesting...

  11. I never saw or heard of these! I'm glad you showed us - they sound interesting.

  12. i like the fruit, not the snakes ;)

  13. I've never seen this fruit before, it looks interesting!

  14. never heard or seen this fruit before..nice to know about this fruit...looks very interesting...


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